I’m a hard learner. It takes repetition to get me to understand concepts (thank you Duo Lingo for making me annoyingly type out “quiero” about a thousand times!). And if…
Want to be a Millionaire by 30? Read this
If you’re under 20 and want to be a millionaire in your 30s, here’s the playbook you can use to do it. It’s worked for thousands of people, and it’ll…
A Million Choices
We were over at a friend’s house for dinner the other night. After the meal (we had fajitas, in case you’re wondering), we talked about things we should do together….
Try Underthinking
Thinking too much is worse than not thinking enough. With few exceptions, overthinking is more harmful to our potential. It’s a mental barrier we put between ourselves and what we…
Good Bosses Don’t Respect “Yes Men”
Something I learned the hard way throughout my career in corporate America is good bosses don’t respect “Yes men” or those who simply agree with everything they say and want….
Think Most Millionaires Inherited Their Wealth? Think Again
A survey from Ramsey Solutions found that almost 3/4ths of Millennials believe that most millionaires inherited their wealth. If true, this would mean that most millionaires today got rich based…
What is High-Income Poverty?
High-Income Poverty describes a person who spends the majority of a high income to falsely appear wealthy, successful, or influential. As a result of their spending, those in high-income poverty…
35 Facts That Will Make You Indestructible
If you want to be a strong, confident, and fearless human being, there are certain things that you need to understand. Truths that, while uncomfortable at times, are just the…
I don’t want my old job back
Before I quit my job in 2016, the most common criticism went something like this: “But Steve, you’ll never be able to get your old job back if times get…